Bike tyres prices

Bike Tyre Brands & Prices Guide in Pakistan

When it comes to biking in Pakistan, having the right tyres is crucial for ensuring a smooth and comfortable ride. In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss the top bike tyre brands, their prices, and how to choose the best tyres for your bike. Read on to become a true tech master when it comes to bike tyres!

Top 5 Bike Tyre Brands in Pakistan

Here are the top 5 bike tyre brands in Pakistan, known for their quality and performance:

  1. Servis
  2. Panther
  3. General
  4. Diamond
  5. Bridgestone

Factors Affecting Bike Tyre Prices

Several factors influence bike tyre prices in Pakistan, such as:

  • Type of bike: Different bikes require different tyre sizes and specifications.
  • Quality: Higher-quality tyres usually come at a higher price but offer better performance and longevity.
  • Brand: Renowned brands typically charge more for their products due to their reputation for quality and reliability.

Learn more about the costs of transportation by reading our Petrol Prices article.

Below are some popular bike tyre models and their prices in Pakistan, listed by bike size:

70cc Bike Servis Tyres Rate/Prices

Last Updated on Aug 1, 2023. We want to make sure you have the most up-to-date information on prices.

TyreSize (70cc)Ply RatingFront or RearPrice/RateUpdated On
Gripper2.50-176Rear2443Aug 1, 2023
Cheetah2.25-176Front2334Aug 1, 2023
Hi-Speed2.50-176Rear1980Aug 1, 2023
Winner2.50-176Rear2100Aug 1, 2023
Vigo2.50-176Rear2543Aug 1, 2023
Long Life2.50-184Front2250Aug 1, 2023

100cc Bike Servis Tyres Rate/Prices

TyreSize (100cc)Ply RatingFront or RearPrice/RateUpdated On
Cruiser90/90-186Rear5128Aug 1, 2023
Long Life2.75-186Front3495Aug 1, 2023

125cc Bike Servis Tyres Rate/Prices

TyreSize (125cc)Ply RatingFront or RearPrice/RateUpdated On
Winner3.00-176Rear3763Aug 1, 2023
Long Life2.50-184Front2250Aug 1, 2023
Gripper3.00-176Rear2700Aug 1, 2023
Gripper3.00-186Rear4837Aug 1, 2023
Cheetah2.50-186Front2300Aug 1, 2023
Cheetah3.00-176Rear3274Aug 1, 2023

150cc Bike Servis Tyres Rate/Prices

TyreSize (150cc)Ply RatingFront or RearPrice/RateUpdated On
Cruiser100/90-186Rear4550Aug 1, 2023

In conclusion, choosing the right bike tyres is essential for a smooth and safe ride. By considering the factors we’ve discussed, you can confidently select the perfect tyres for your bike. Remember to prioritize quality and performance over price, as investing in good tyres will pay off in the long run. Happy biking!

How to Choose the Best Tyre for Your Bike

To select the perfect tyre for your bike, consider the following factors:

  1. Bike type: Ensure the tyre size and specifications are compatible with your bike model.
  2. Riding conditions: Choose tyres with appropriate treads and grip for the terrain you typically ride on.
  3. Budget: Set a budget and look for tyres within that price range without compromising on quality.
  4. Brand reputation: Research the brands available in your area and opt for a reputable one with positive reviews.
  5. Warranty: Check the warranty offered by the manufacturer, as it can save you money in case of a faulty product.

By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision and choose the best tyre for your bike, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable riding experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which is the best tyre for bikes in Pakistan?
A: Servis is considered the best tyre brand for bikes in Pakistan due to its high-quality rubber, excellent grip, durability, and affordability.

Q: What is the price of a motorcycle tyre?
A: The price of a motorcycle tyre depends on its size, brand, and quality. Prices can range from a few thousand PKR to several thousand PKR. Refer to the tables in the previous sections for specific tyre model prices.

Q: How often should I replace my bike tyres?
A: The lifespan of a bike tyre depends on factors such as usage, road conditions, and tyre quality. Generally, it is recommended to replace your bike tyres every 15,000 to 20,000 kilometers or if you notice significant wear and tear, loss of grip, or punctures.

Q: How can I extend the life of my bike tyres?
A: To extend the life of your bike tyres, maintain proper tyre pressure, avoid overloading your bike, and rotate the tyres periodically. Additionally, ensure proper wheel alignment and balance, and avoid aggressive riding or sudden braking.

Q: Are tubeless tyres better than tube-type tyres for bikes?
A: Tubeless tyres have several advantages over tube-type tyres, including better puncture resistance, lower maintenance, and improved fuel efficiency. However, tube-type tyres can be more affordable and easier to repair in remote areas where professional help may not be readily available.

Q: How do I determine the correct tyre pressure for my bike?
A: The correct tyre pressure for your bike can be found in the owner’s manual or on a sticker located on the bike’s swingarm or frame. Maintaining the recommended tyre pressure ensures optimal grip, handling, and tyre life.

Q: Can I use car tyre repair kits for my bike tyres?
A: It is not recommended to use car tyre repair kits for bike tyres, as they may not be suitable for the smaller size and unique construction of bike tyres. Instead, invest in a bike-specific tyre repair kit or seek professional assistance for repairing bike tyre punctures.


Choosing the right bike tyres is essential for a smooth and safe ride. By considering the factors we’ve discussed, you can confidently select the perfect tyres for your bike. Remember to prioritize quality and performance over price, as investing in good tyres will pay off in the long run. Happy biking!

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